St Francis de Sales Catholic

  1. Key Information
  2. SEND - Information and Resources for Parents
  3. Useful website for Parents

Useful website for Parents

Useful information on Speech Language and Communication Needs


Information about developmental language disorder (DLD) including resources for parents and young people. 

National Autistic Society

Go to hub for information and resources for autistic children, young people and adults.


SLCN information and practical advice regarding language development.


Resources for vocabulary development, understanding and spoken language.

Hungry Little Minds

Activities and play ideas for language development for under 5s.


Resources for home learning: helping and resources for language development.

Tiny Happy People

Activities and play ideas for language development (0-5 yrs)

Talking Point Website parent resources

Strategies for different areas of communication and info sheets e.g. using apps to develop communication and using books to develop language.

Activities for curriculum learning with visual supports

BBC Bitesize

Home learning for ages 5-19 in all curricular subjects.