St Francis de Sales Catholic

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School Gallery

Haringey Schools Music Festival at the Royal Albert Hall

The school choir had a fantastic evening at the Haringey School Music Festival at the Royal Albert Hall.

The concert showcased talented young musicians from all over Haringey.

World Book Day

Kingsley Nebechi

We were very lucky to have Kingsley Nebechi visit our school. He not only showcased his drawing skills but also inspired our children to explore their own creativity through drawing. He engaged the children by asking them what they wanted him to draw.

Steve and Teddy

Pets as Therapy

Every Friday afternoon, Steve and his dog Teddy visit our school, giving our children the opportunity to read a book to Teddy.

Teddy loves spending time with the children and enjoys listening to them read.

King Charles

The children were very excited to visit the Spurs stadium today to see His Royal Highness King Charles.

Wednesday 12th February 2025

Reading Cafe 

Steam Week

Nursery and Reception Nativity

Christmas Lunch

Reading Cafe

The children enjoyed reading with their families at our reading cafe. 

Year 1 Pyjama Day

Year 1 had a pyjama day at school to raise money for a school trip later in the year. Each child was asked to donate £1.

They had a PJ fashion show, designed bookmarks and PJ's, drank hot chocolate and snuggled up with books while they read to the teddies!

Remembrance Day

Kamali Melbourne - Sky News Presenter

We were delighted to welcome Kamali Melbourne to Tottenham University.

Ben Brown - BBC News Presenter

We were very excited to have BBC's award-winning newsreader Ben Brown visit Tottenham University.