St Francis de Sales Catholic

Church Road, Tottenham, London, N17 8AZ

0208 808 2923

St Francis de Sales Catholic

Infant and Junior School

  1. Our School
  2. Our Catholic School
  3. Prayer and Liturgy

Prayer and Liturgy

Here at St. Francis de Sales’, creating an atmosphere for spiritual growth is at the centre of all teaching. The children are encouraged to pray, reflect, contemplate and make links with daily life and religion each day.

Prayer plays an important part in the life of the school. The classroom environments promote prayer and reflection by including a prayer focus with current liturgical icons, artefacts and symbols. These are used for daily worship. In all classroom environments, time is set aside at various parts of the day for communicating with God. Whole school prayers are taught throughout the year groups and our Faith Ambassadors lead worship and prayer for all year groups. They also take the lead across the school for our liturgical celebrations. The Saints feast days are marked and the prayer life of the pupils is enhanced in many ways.   

 The whole school spend around 10-15 minutes a day in prayer or worship. This is done through collective worship, assemblies, guided meditations or services led by other classes or teachers. Throughout the year we celebrate mass regularly at St Francis De Sales Church with various year groups leading the mass in conjunction with the priest.